I started working at Rockford Country Club at the ripe age of thirteen. Working through high school gave me the skills I needed to grow-up, find myself, and go to college. I worked at numerous retail stores to pay the bills. When I decided to go back to college I had the opportunity to work in construction. The experience was eye-opening and it made me appreciate all the hard-work our unions and trades put forth. I graduated Rockford University as one of the top in my class, and continued that tradition as a recognized teacher. Serving in education the last eight years has given me the skills to work with some of the best professionals in the city of Rockford. I am honored to serve my community, and I hope to continue that tradition as your next Alderman .
Customer Service, Sales, Construction & Education

Pull a Democratic Party Ballot- Early Voting Starts January 19th
In order to become the city our citizens once knew as the manufacturing hub of the world, or the entrepreneurs dream, we need to address major issues in crime, infrastructure, and 21st century planning. Lets move forward with revitalized neighborhoods, new ideas, fresh politics, and a city council that represents the interest of citizens, not big business.
Neighborhoods First

Neighborhoods First
5 ImprovEMENTS to MAKE Rockford THRIVE
LED Lighting will save us money
Changing our existing lighting in our city will hekp our city become a 21st century haven. LED lights cost less, have less maintenance, and look better. "It's a no brainer!"
Brighten-Up our Town!
Double our Gang Police Unit
Rockford's violent crime rates out total Peoria, Elgin and Aurora combined. Gangs are the reason our town faces violent gun crime. Staffing our city with the average rates of big cities will help Rockford take down gangs and violent crime.
Take Down Gangs
Stop Slums by Stopping Slum Lords
Too many residential properties are turning into rental properties. When this happens, residents lose appreciation for their neighborhoods. Let's tighten restrictions on rental properties, enforce codes to stop slum lords, and seize properties that become problems for neighborhoods.
Accountability for Rental Properties
Sidewalks for All
Some city neighborhoods have it all, and some don't. All neighborhoods deserve nice sidewalks, beautiful green space, and community gardens. Let's bring urban renewal and sprawl back to the drawing board.
Beautify and Reinvigorate our Neighborhoods
Rates Keep Climbing
Since 2006, our Domestic Violence rates have doubled in the city of Rockford. The state budget won't fund services for victims of domestic abuse. I have a plan to curb domestic violence, help victims secure living space, and fund services in the city.
Lower Domestic Violence